Self confidence

Self confidence

Self confidence These days, valuing yourself, what you do and who you are is something that we often forget. There is nothing more important than how you feel and think about yourself. Because low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence don’t suddenly occur as a...
Hypnotherapy and Health

Hypnotherapy and Health

Hypnotherapy and health It is well established that our mental wellbeing can have a positive or negative influence on our physical wellbeing. Emotional difficulties and distress usually make our physical health worse. Perhaps conventional medicine has been partially...
Weight loss

Weight loss

Hypnotherapy for weight loss Hypnotherapy can be used for weight loss. Trying to lose weight can be a challenging journey. If you have ever tried and failed to lose weight you know how frustrating it can be. Stress, boredom and low self esteem can undermine even the...


Are you looking for Happiness? If you are looking for happiness Mindfulness can help. New techniques in scanning mean that we are able to see the parts of the brain associated with positive emotions such as happiness, empathy and compassion. Research shows that these...
Benefits of mindfulness in the workplace.

Benefits of mindfulness in the workplace.

The Benefits of mindfulness in the work place. What are the benefits of mindfulness for employers? Mindfulness is one of the most powerful ways to have more emotionally intelligent employees. Having emotionally intelligent employees is important because they’ll treat...